
F19 Eoghan

Let me do it.私にやらせてよ。

*Shall I ~?というのは気持ちが入っていて、lendも気持ちで、重なり合うような  Shall I lend you~?というのはネェティブ的にはNGだそな…

I'm broke.無一文なんだ。
I'm skint.<英俗>(一時的に)文なしの

Don't worry. You can share mine, if you like(want).Let's share mine.

If you like - / - I can S V.If you want - / - you could
If you need anything,

*She offered to lent herfriend use her computer.

I can book up to 3 weeks in advance, but from next month I will only be able to book up 10 days in advance.

I'm (not) an early bird. I'm a morning person.
I'm (not) a night owl. I'm a night person.

I know some people who used to go to Eki-Ko Nova.conjunction:

It depends on your lesson plan.

Well, I can always give you a hand if you like.
If you want, I could lend you some cash to tide you over.

I don't want to impose.
Are you sure that's OK?

Don't be silly. It's no big deal.
Trust me. It's no trouble at all.

That'd be great. Thanks a lot.
I'd be really greatful if you could.
I'd really appreciate it.

almost all=nearly all/most(how many?/how much)>100%

How much of the English on CNN could you understand?
Almost nothing(Close to zero).Almost none.Hardly anything.

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